1. Tony Stark: Injured War Hero or Heartless Bastard?

2. Climax: Batteries Not Included

3. Trailers, Spoilers...What's the Difference?

Counterpoint: Things Iron Man Got RIGHT
As I said, despite its glaring flaws, Iron Man is a heck of a movie, and I will definitely be adding it to my DVD collection when the time comes. The things I'm griping about are the flaws that kept it from transcending "really good" status and moving into the realm of "amazing." Fortunately, the things that were wrong with the movie are far outnumbered by the things that were right. Here are several reasons why Iron Man was absolutely worth seeing:
1. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark
2. Jon Favreau in the director's chair
3. Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, and Terrence Howard in the supporting cast
4. The inclusion of S.H.I.E.L.D.
5. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury
6. Sabbath. 'Nuff said.
7. The use of practical effects whenever possible
Go see Iron Man. Oh, you already did? Go see it again. It's worth your time and money. It just could have been so much better...
Puny humans.